Call us today: 727-344-1668 6831 Central Avenue St Petersburg, FL 33710 USA
Coming from the same family as the Mango (Anacardiaceae). This tree is a fast grower, reaching 40 feet in 8-10 years and 60 feet in tropical areas. Native to South-east Asia and found in Venezuela, Brazil and Ecuador and parts of Central America. It is slightly more tender to cold than the mango but can handle near freezing temperatures. As long as soil is well drained, Ambarella does not mind how rich or poor it is and can easily grow in sand or the oolitic soils of south Florida. Our trees are grown from cuttings and can easily produce fruit the 1st year. One tree, grown in Florida will produce enough food for a family from Fall to Mid-winter. If harvested while still firm, it is a favorite among many people. It yields a delicious juice, as well. The fruits are of medium size, 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 inches long and hang in clusters like grapes. The leaves of the tree can be eaten raw or steamed as a vegetable. This is an all-around great tree and worth a try if you have the room to grow it.