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A native of the Tropical woodlands of Central and South America, this relative of the wondering Jew is called Ginger because it greatly resembles the family of gingers in its appearance and habit of growth. It is truly a tropical plant and does best when planted in shade or semi-shade in zones 9b 11. The roots are hardy to zone 9a. Ultimate height is about 8 feet if grown in an ideal environment, but will usually only reach 6 feet. Rate of growth is medium, about 1.5 feet per year; salt tolerance is low; prefers to grow in moist, rich, well-drained soil that is rich in peat. Blue Ginger is an erect, clumping, soft-stemmed evergreen perennial. It needs quarterly applications of blooming fertilizer. Blue Ginger can also be grown in containers inside the home provided that they receive adequate light. Flowers are spectacular, bright blue and appearing in clusters. It is a wonderful addition to any tropical garden.