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Brown Turkey Fig - 3 Gallon
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Brown Turkey Fig - 3 Gallon
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Ficus carica 'Brown Turkish'
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Brown Turkey, with other common names: La Perpétuelle (France), Brown Italian, Brown Naples, Long Naples, and others was first described in 1726. Brown Turkey has had the phrase, so well known as to need no description attached to its name for nearly 275 years. First brought to England and given a local name with no reference to its origins, the above Italian names lend the idea that it is of Italian origin, but it has never been identified with any of the hundreds of varieties from that country. For nearly three centuries however, this fig has stood at the head of the list of English varieties for commercial and home cultivation, both outdoors and inside the home. Brown Turkey is the most commonly grown fig in the world and more trees of this variety are planted both commercially and in the home garden than all other figs put together. Brown Turkey, like Celeste Fig will not grow well and production is extremely poor in the western United States, especially in California. Only in the southeast US (from Texas to Florida and north to Maryland) does Brown Turkey display its superiority. The fruit color and quality is unexcelled; large, to 3.5 inches in diameter, violet-brown to mahogany in color, tinged with violet; flesh is white, with violet hue; and the crushed pulp is strawberry colored; flavor is rich and extremely sweet with a creamy texture. The average fruit weighs nearly 1 1/3oz. Brown Turkey will produce well in full sun or partial shade, yielding 2 crops per year: one in late spring and the other in late fall. The heaviest production comes from the second crop. It has been widely documented among home gardeners and commercially that if grown in containers indoors or in a greenhouse, Brown Turkey will fruit consistently throughout the year. Liquid Copper Fungicide must be used during the humid months of the year to prevent Rust. It just doesnt get better than this!!
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